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Heavy Duty Drone Being Developed For Washing Windows on High Rise Buildings

One of the wonderful things about technology is that it can sometimes stand-in for human beings in situations that we don’t want to be in. Where the job is dirty or downright dangerous, perhaps, technology can be developed so that we don’t have to do these things.

One example of a particularly dangerous job that human beings would probably be better off staying away from is window cleaning. While it’s incredibly necessary to keep windows clean on the outside, the act of getting it done is something that just seems so risky. Hanging hundreds of feet above the ground while cleaning windows isn’t necessarily something that’s for the faint of heart. There’s a reason why it’s frequently referred to as one of the most dangerous jobs in the country.

Fortunately, though, there is drone technology being developed by a Latvia-based company that goes by the name of “Aerones.”

Their heavy-duty drone is said to be able to accomplish the goal of washing windows more quickly than humans. Naturally, it takes the danger out of the equation as well as it can be controlled safely from the ground.

The drone works by connecting a hose to it that will stay attached to the ground in order to deliver water to clean the windows. From there, the machine flies up and seems to effortlessly clean the windows of its operator’s choosing.

Window washing isn’t where the utility factor stops with this particular design, either. Instead, the idea of cleaning bigger structures like windmills or maybe even the ability to act as a fire fighting device comes into play as well.

Down in the video below, we get to see the drone in action as it gets to work. It seems as if drone technology is still relatively early in development. It’ll be interesting to see where these things can go in the future as human beings get more creative with our devices.