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Here’s What You Do When Your Air Brakes Are Locked Up Towing 15 Tons of Equipment

If you’re talking about the insane duty of hauling around the heaviest of loads around, there are many factors that need to come together as one when they work in unison to make sure that the load is able to safely get from point A to point B without a hiccup.

In this demonstration, we’re actually able to see how truck driver pulling a load that weighs in at 15 tons worth of expensive heavy equipment puts his mental toughness to the test when millions of dollars are on the line and it’s his job to make sure that no money is lost in the equation due to damage.

In this particular chink in the armor, we watch as one of the air brakes on the back of the trailer locks, leaving the entire rig immobilized and unable to get the equipment to where it needs to go. I don’t know about you but I would say that being unable to move at all is definitely a little bit of a problem in this line of work.

How exactly is it that the driver puts his knowledge to the test to show why he deserves the big bucks? Check out the video down below that shows his on the spot problem-solving abilities that make this guy an ace at his job!