Ice Drifting Dirt Bikes in -25 Degree Weather

Once you’ve mastered something, it might be easy to get a little bit bored and therefore, you naturally look for more methods of keeping yourself entertained. When these guys got familiar with their dirt bikes, they switched it up a little bit to make things a touch more challenging.
Instead of using solid ground where they could easily predict the every movement of their rides, these guys took the dirt out of the equation entirely and replaced it with ice and snow to make things a little bit more slippery granting them the key to sideways awesomeness. The result is a super cool video that you have got to take a look at.
These guys go wild with their bikes in an ice drifting session that simply makes you want to hop up, run out and get a bike like one of these, and put your skills to the test. With that in mind, we’re not responsible if you take your motorcycle out on some ice and completely bust your rear end.
Check out the video down below that will allow you to get in on the action from a safe vantage point so that you can experience this day on the ice for yourself. Who else is all amped up and ready to get into some awesome two-wheeled action?