Jerry Bird Demolishes Car on Dusty No Prep Surface in Tuscon

When it comes to racing, things don’t always go according to plan. In fact, drag racing may own the playbook for having to adapt to different situations and overcome adversity. Drivers working hard all weekend and changing the game plan to keep up is something that we constantly see.
In this particular situation, the man coming face-to-face with adversity was none other than Street Outlaws: No Prep Kings competitor, Jerry Bird.
When the No Prep Kings 2018 tour found its way out to Tucson to race in the desert, drivers would have their fair share of adversity to face. Because the track is in the middle of the desert, things can get a little bit dusty sometimes and when combined with the fact that it’s already in no-prep designed to challenge cars in the area of traction, we have ourselves a pressure cooker for some wild rides. Toss the icing on the cake that $40,000 is on the line and you really never know what’s going to happen as drivers push the limits.
The intensity got kicked off before the actual event even began in a grudge testing night before the race. It was at this point that some racers found the surface to be rather sketchy. As the video below shows, Randy Williams in “Purple Rain” was one of the first two-faced major adversity as he would slide sideways and roll the car over in a pretty ugly wreck. This wasn’t the end of the sideways rides either. Chuck Seitsinger would also get completely sideways before making an insane recovery to keep the car out of the wall.
Perhaps the craziest incident of the weekend, though, happened the next day when Jerry Bird went head to head with Scott Taylor. Down in the video below, we watch as Bird actually wins the race before going across both lanes and up on two wheels. The car suffers an intense impact and is completely mangled but Bird was able to exit the machine without being injured as were the rest of the drivers in the video.