Man Tries To Do Drugs DURING A Traffic Stop… What Was He Thinking?

In this day and age, as it turns out, unfortunately, common sense isn’t all that common. Now, we definitely don’t encourage bending or breaking the law in any way but if somebody were to want to do something illegal, you would think they would take a moment to wait until the police weren’t looking directly at them before they decided to do this blatantly illegal act. However, like we said, some people are really lacking the common sense to really make it along in everyday life. This driver really appears to be one of those people who struggles with making basic smart decisions.
In this one, it looks like nothing more than a normal traffic stop. As the driver and police officer here agree, this driver has never even found himself in trouble with the law before, as far as getting pulled over goes. Therefore, the police officer was about to let this guy go with a warning, a natural response to a traffic infraction for somebody who has never really had any prior infractions before. However, as the officer walks back to the car to tell the driver he’s free to go, he discovers something that’s a little bit more than troubling. Instead of being able to hand the man his warning and let him drive off, the officer discovers the driver stuffing cocaine into his nose, instead. LOVELY!
It’s really not clear if the guy was worried about the officer bringing out the dogs or not but the fact that somebody would be able to get caught in a situation like this, pretty much red (or white) handed, if you will, is really beyond reasonable comprehension. When you hear the tone of police officer’s voice, you really get the idea that he is just as confused as we are when it comes to trying to figure out exactly what this guy was thinking in this situation. Maybe those drugs aren’t exactly cooperating with the driver’s ability to think straight.