Multiple Agencies Dispatched to Assist Yacht Sinking at Haulover Inlet

One can never really know when something is going to go wrong during a day of boating and take away that sunshine, effectively turning it into a storm cloud.
This time, we follow along with such a situation as covered by Wavy Boats as they take us into a tumultuous set of circumstances. For the owner of the yacht featured in this one, a relaxing day of boating and entertaining got incredibly stressful in a hurry.
As the captain and a pretty large number of guests made their way around Haulover Inlet in Florida, they would discover that the vessel beneath them began to take on water. Fortunately, in situations like these, there are a variety of different agencies that are willing to help. Some of them are privately owned agencies that will come and do everything that they can do bail you out and others are public agencies like the police and fire rescue who will make sure that everybody on board is safe as well.
In this particular outing, both TowBoatUS and towboats, a couple of popular vessel salvage companies, would show up on the scene with the aim of saving the boat in question. It seems like the two even managed to get into a little bit of a verbal altercation over who was going to be the one to get the job.
In the video below, we check in with the situation that started in a hectic way and got even more hectic as things went on. Fortunately, though, thanks to a cohesive plan, the vessel was able to be saved after what was eventually discovered to be a ruptured hose and everybody on board was able to live to talk about it. The best part of it all is that it doesn’t even sound like an expensive fix!