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Ride Along as Alex Laughlin Takes on the Dodge NHRA Indy Nationals

Racing through the pandemic has proven to be tough. As the world continues to try to find ways to recover from the widespread shutdown, it has been all about baby steps. With that, we’ve watched as the NHRA has been racing all in one location at Indy because, as it turns out, being able to coordinate an entire diverse schedule across the country is nearly impossible. With all of the different restrictions in place and consideration that teams would have to make, things are a bit tough.

However, we can’t help but be grateful for the racing that we do have. At the end of the day, it’s always interesting to see different tracks thrown into the mix. We think that we speak for the majority, though, when we say that limited racing is better than no racing!

This time, we check in with Alex Laughlin as he takes us on his Pro Stock journey as we head to Indy and get the inside look. Operating a race team like this is nothing short of a full-time job and the ins and outs can be tough to keep up with. Being able to do the behind the scenes work and still hone in the focus enough on the track to keep winning in your sights is truly a special talent. That isn’t to say that there’s no time for some fun, though. Let’s just say that there was a shock collar involved in this particular vlog.

By following along with the video below, we get another inside glimpse at the life of Laughlin. How far is he going to go at this outing in Indy? There’s only one way to find out. The result might just stand to get a little bit of adrenaline pumping as we head into the weekend!