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Shocked By Jumper Cables Prank!

Who doesn’t love a good prank video? There are countless way to play harmless pranks on friends and complete strangers, and this guy from YouTube channel VitalyzdTV has a great one that’s relatively simple yet elicits some great, diverse reactions from the victims.

The premise is a stranded driver needing his car jump started, only to be electrocuted by his own jumper cables. As most every car guy has found out at some point in their life, if you tap the positive and negative jumper cable clamps together, you give a loud electrical arc and a spark show. Our prankster uses that bit of knowledge – and knowing that that sound and those sparks startle anybody not prepared for them – to feign being actually shocked by the current, falling to the ground as if he’s been knocked out. The good samaritans react in different ways and with different levels of fear and concern, but once they found out it was a prank, they all shared a laugh with the prankster.

At the end, an officer comes along to spoil the fun as he’s concerned the pranks may cause other to bypass someone with a real emergency, thinking they’re just playing as well. The officer is nice about it though, and the day ends with our prankster and the cop sharing a fist bump as the video ends.