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The Power Of Torque… Mack Trucks Pulling a Peugeot in Half!

This footage is obviously great for all the eighteen wheeler and diesel fans out there who love seeing what happens when you unleash the thousands of foot/pounds of torque on something like a small car and tear it to shreds. I have to admit, it is pretty cool to watch two hulking beasts rip and tear a car in half like two lions fighting over a carcass, with the car ending up little more than two piles of scrap metal.

But, if you really look at what’s going on here, this honestly might be a twist on advertising for the maker of the car itself, in this case, French automaker Peugeot. What in the world would make a company think footage of one of its cars being ripped in half would be good for marketing? Just watch the video below and see for yourself. It turns out, the car puts up one hell of a fight, despite the insane amount of force being used to try to literally rip it apart.

I don’t have the exact numbers on these diesel-powered beasts, but even totally stock 18 wheelers usually make well over 1,000 ft/lbs of torque, so multiply that times two and you’re talking about some serious power at play here, and it does take these trucks quite some time to separate the front of this car from the back, including one hiccup where the chain holding one of the trucks to the car snaps.

So while it does end badly for the car, there’s no denying the little ride put up quite a fight before the massive rigs make a wishbone out of it, and we think it earned a great deal of respect for the amount of work it took for the trucks to get the job done. You can even tell the crowd is a little bit surprised by how long it takes the trucks to finally finish the job, but once the deed is done, they do give the spectacle a nice round of applause!