Thousands of Ford Trucks Sitting at Kentucky Speedway Indefinitely Due to Semiconductor Shortage

As many are aware, there has been a global semiconductor shortage that has impacted all sorts of walks of life. Most notably semiconductors are used in computer chips that are necessary for pretty much every sort of item that involves electronics. From vehicles to gaming consuls and the ever-growing in popularity of cryptocurrency mining devices. As electronics have become integrated into everything that people do these days, there has been a tough time feeding the need for semiconductors.
So how exactly does this impact the automotive industry? We know that there aren’t enough to go around but, in the real world, what does that mean?
In the case of Ford, it means that the company cannot complete its vehicles in many cases. Ford has got their hands on as many semiconductors as it can but they still awaiting more as the shortage continues. At times, this would mean that Ford would even shut down production to wait on these components to come through. However, it appears as if they have changed up plans just a little bit.
Instead of waiting around and not producing vehicles, Ford has decided to start making trucks again. However, the trucks will just simply have to sit in storage and wait until the semiconductors come to life at which point they will be installed. With that, we have large facilities, like Kentucky Speedway, completely filled to the brim with Ford pickup trucks. In the case of Kentucky Speedway itself, we see a couple of thousand trucks stacked up and waiting for that one last piece to get them on the road.
Down below, we tune in with to see exactly how something like this unfolds and where it might go in the future. As of now, it seems as if Ford is just hoping that all of this gets cleared up but if it doesn’t, they might have an all-new problem to deal with.