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Touring the Most Futuristic Motorhome in the WORLD!

These days, for somebody who wants to take home on the road with some sort of RV, there are a lot of options out there. Some of them are more budget-friendly and others really stray away from average as they touch seven figures and more, offering everything that one could ever want or need.

This time, we check in with white YouTube creator, Enes Yilmazer, who called this particular beauty the most futuristic motorhome in the world. With machines like the one in the video below, the designers behind them have to get incredibly crafty. With the limited size and a whole lot to accomplish, the layout of a luxury machine like this not only has to be on the top tier of luxury. It also needs to be incredibly functional as well. Finding a way to shove this much functionality into such a small space is a job that is certainly easier said than done.

In this video, we go inside and out of the machine built by Dembell to find not only extreme luxury and comfort. We also find a good share of technology packed in as well. As time goes on and ideas build upon one another, these homes away from home get more and more complex and intricate with every iteration.

Perhaps one of our favorite features on board here is the garage that comes with its own personal matching Smart Car. One of the struggles of traveling in an RV of this size is that you have to take it absolutely everywhere. When one is parked at a campground, just running to the grocery store for a couple of items can be a huge struggle. However, if you have your very own personal garage with your own car on board, things get a little bit easier.

By following along with the video below, we check in with what might just be the most futuristic motorhome in the world. After tuning in be sure to tell us which feature has your full attention.