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Turbo Lag vs Boost Threshold — What’s The Difference?

When it comes to putting together a car or trying to figure out the car that you already have, there’s always something new to learn. Even if you’re pretty knowledgeable and are even smart enough that you can teach some concepts to other people to help them work on their cars, there’s always something new that you can pick up and add to your arsenal of information. Perhaps you could learn a quick tip about how to put something together or maybe you’re a master at assembling but you don’t really know exactly how all of these things work together. In a situation like that, this is where Engineering Explained comes in handy.

In this one, we take a look at boosted applications with the aim of digging a little bit deeper and getting some more rounded knowledge on the concepts, really giving you a better understanding of how it is that your turbo is working and more specifically, this time, we take the chance to break down some terms that you might hear thrown around and interchanged when they aren’t really exactly designed to be interchanged in the way that they are. Remember, boys and girls, knowledge is power and you can never know enough about what’s going on under your hood!

If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll learn a little bit about the difference between turbo lag and boost threshold. While one has a little bit more to do with your turbo alone, the other is more related to how your engine and your turbo interact. So go ahead and check out the laid out demonstration below, complete with mathematical concepts that will help you get a deeper understanding of these concepts work that might even unlock some other secrets that you might have been wondering about when it comes to going fast with a little bit of boost.