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Box Truck Converted to RV – Was it Worth It?

For those looking to hit the road in a home that can be driven around town, there are basically two options. One could go out and purchase a vehicle to fit those particular needs which would definitely be the easier route. On the other hand, though, someone could go so far as building their own. For both of these pathways, there are pros and cons associated with each.

This time, we check out an RV that falls into the latter category. Instead of just going out in purchasing something, the person behind this one decided to reach down into their creativity to see if they could come up with the ultimate RV with nothing more than a box truck and their own ingenuity.
These sorts of mobile homes can revolve around a variety of different platforms. The school bus seems to be one of the most popular. However, this time, we’re looking at something that might have a little bit different floor plan to play with.

In this one, HR Headlight Restoration on YouTube gives us the entire rundown of what exactly this build consists of. Our host explains that it’s a lot of work versus just going out and buying an RV but it’s incredibly customizable and you can pack some really nice features in. If you’re willing to go through all of the trials and tribulations, it could very well be worth it but be warned it’s not going to be easy.

By following along with the video below, we get to see exactly what was accomplished with all of the space in the back of this box truck. We also get to learn a little bit about whether or not this is a job that’s for everybody. It certainly does create the need for a good amount of expertise and it could be pretty easy to bite off more than you can chew!