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Does it Really Matter Where a Tool is Made? Makita Made in Japan vs Made in China

Whoever said that spending time browsing around social media was a waste?

In today’s adventure, we actually learn a little bit about some of our favorite power tools. Apparently, with a brand like Makita, there are several different variations of the same tool floating around out there. In this demonstration, we learn all about the variations of the same tool that has the same specs except the variations were produced in separate areas of the world.

On one hand, we find an impact driver that was produced in China. On the other, we find one that’s advertised as being the same thing except it was produced in Japan. As it turns out, rumors say that there are several differences between these tools that ultimately make one better than the other.

With the help of the Project Farm YouTube channel, we’re able to learn a lot about this discrepancy and maybe aim our purchasing preferences in a different direction.

This test takes on all of the familiar productivity measures that we find in Project Farm YouTube videos. For example, we learn about the drilling power of something like this. Obviously, such a metric is at the core of why one would want to buy one of these tools. However, they also dig into different metrics from weight to bearing ability and even noise production.

By following along with the video below, we’re able to tap into an entire discussion that we didn’t even know existed. However, after checking in with this one, we get the feeling that a lot of folks are going to be keeping an eye out for the origin of where certain tools were manufactured. Sometimes, paying attention to the fine print can be a very important detail that could end up getting a consumer a much better deal.