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The Ferrari FF is Not Only a Capable Family Car but it’s a Bargain, Too!

Somebody who’s shopping for good value likely isn’t going to even start to look for a Ferrari. In fact, we would probably say that the same applies to somebody shopping for something to haul around the family as well. There’s nothing about that galloping stallion on the logo that says “Hey, we’re going to create a sensible family machine that is also a good deal.” Instead, Ferrari naturally produces those sexy exotics with the rolling curves and revving engines that have just two seats, in most cases.

However, with the likes of the Ferrari FF, Doug DeMuro seems to think that there’s a little bit of both value and practicality involved. At $100,000, this 2014 has come down in price a little bit, meaning that it sits at a spot where a lot of common luxury vehicles might reside. Needless to say, something with that Ferrari logo is likely going to provide a little bit of extra punch to make it interesting as well. With $100,000 would you rather buy a brand new Mercedes-Benz or a Ferrari that has a couple of years under its belt?

While that seems like an argument that might be a little bit off in space somewhere, DeMuro tries to make the point anyway. At the end of it all when he goes through the vehicle’s quirks and features, we actually find a machine that fits the practicality role as well.

At the end of the day, we’re getting today an age where $100,000 isn’t going to take you very far in the world of exotics. However, if you’re willing to take a trek back a couple of years, something like the Ferrari FF might just be a machine that could suit every last need that you have, even if you have a whole family that needs to be toted around.