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Ferrari 458 Daily Driver Gets First Wash in 3 Years (Extreme Detail)

It doesn’t matter what kind of car we’re talking about or how much money it costs, there’s a good chance that somebody in the world has one of them and they aren’t necessarily taking the greatest care of it.

At the end of the day, we’re kind of cynical in this regard because well, it’s part of the territory of being a car enthusiast. However, as it turns out, a lot of people just really don’t care all that much about keeping their cars in tiptop shape, even if we’re talking about something like that highly regarded Ferrari 458.

Fortunately, for those who are hyper-aware of the condition of the car’s paint, there are people out there like our creator here, AMMO NYC who has dedicated a big chunk of his life to making sure that cars are in tiptop condition.

This time, we tune in with a Ferrari 458 that has definitely seen better days. The car that had been daily driven in Manhattan is said to have not been cleaned up for the span of three years. It almost seems unbelievable but when we think about life in the big city, it’s probably not all that likely that there is a reasonable way to go about cleaning cars up like this.

However, when AMMO gets his hands on this bad boy, he gives it the full top to bottom. When all is said and done, this Ferrari doesn’t even look recognizable when compared to its former self. In fact, it almost looks like an entirely new car. By following along with the video below, we get to watch every last inch of this incredible machine come back to life once again. We have to admit that watching this process is incredibly satisfying as the Ferrari is brought back to its former luster once again.