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Live PD’s Top 6 Worst Liars Just Get Worse and Worse

If there’s one rule to abide by, we would think that it would be that honesty is the best policy. Sometimes, a white lie here and there can help to get one out of a jam. However, it just feels like telling the truth is really the only way to live in most situations.

When it comes to dealing with the police, lying is something that we would probably avoid altogether. In fact, in many situations, telling lies can be a good way to take a simple charge and get it escalated to something that you would’ve never had to deal with in the first place.

However, naturally, when it comes to police interactions, the public is going to lie a lot of the time. As you might imagine, officers have likely heard just about every story in the book, and in addition to training, officers on duty have had a lot of experience in dealing with people who don’t want to tell them the truth.

Much of this behavior has made it to television shows like the now-canceled Live PD as we get to see people try to work their way out of a little bit of hot water. It just turns out that some people are much more willing to tell a lie than others. These folks who are going all in order to get out of the situation that they currently find themselves in can often create a web of lies that does nothing but trip them up as the story escalates to sound worse and worse with every word that they say.

By following along with the video below, we get to tune in with six of the worst liars that ever made their way to Live PD. After checking in there with this one, we just can’t help but wonder what some of these folks were thinking.