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Embarrassing Moment as Catalytic Converter Thief Rescued From Under Stuck Car

If there are three things that we would probably think that a catalytic converter thief would use to describe their job, it would be “fast, quick, and in a hurry.” Naturally, when a thief is trying to steal something in broad daylight, they aren’t going to want to take their time and wait around.

Because of this, catalytic converter thieves have found themselves in some pretty difficult situations. There have been plenty of reports floating around about people who have been crushed by the vehicles that they’re trying to steal from.

As a good mechanic will tell you, taking your time and making sure that your floor jack is in the right position before jacking up the car is very important. Furthermore, using jack stands is also an essential part of the job to make sure that you don’t end up crushed.

As you might have guessed, for somebody looking to steal a catalytic converter, maybe these things aren’t exactly on the top of their list. We’re sure that the pure adrenaline that they have to be experiencing combined with the speed necessary did not get caught means that they put themselves in some pretty dangerous situations as thorough thought eludes them.

This time, we tune in with ONSCENE TV who was there with cameras rolling as one thief got caught in quite an embarrassing situation. Not only did he get caught stealing a catalytic converter but he also got pinned beneath the car and couldn’t get out.

Fortunately, it does look like this individual is going to survive. Hopefully, if nothing else, the sheer embarrassment from having an entire team rescue you in a situation like this can help this man to reflect on this poor life decision and maybe help him to make some better choices in the future.