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“Pop the Hood!” – Behind the Build of Farmtruck

Thanks to Farmtruck and AZN’s new self-titled show on Discovery, we have seen some pretty wild creations come to life. The minds behind that show had a brilliant idea when they decided to air what happened when letting these two loose to create whatever they wanted.

At this point in the timeline, it seems like the first concept from the show that actually leaked out a little bit before the show aired is the one that has drawn the most attention.

The whole concept of the Farmboat was to take the appearance of the OG Chevrolet C10 Farmtruck and slap it on a set of pontoons. The result would be something that is pretty incredible to look at which seems to have become team FNA’s M-O.

Many have seen Farmboat from a distance but this time, we got to go a little bit closer. With the help of FNA’s “Pop the Hood” series over on their YouTube channel, we really get to dig into these builds to see exactly what makes them so special. Not only do we get to learn about the parts that went into creating such a machine. We also get to hear about the reasoning behind decisions and why they built certain things the way that they did. In other words, if you listen up you may even just learn a thing or two when it comes to building custom hot rods like this.

By following along with the video below, we get the full rundown on exactly what it takes to put together a truck/boat like this one. After hearing about how FNA’s minds came up with such a wild creation and how they ended up executing on a high level, we can’t wait to see exactly what comes next. Even though we have learned to expect the unexpected with this dynamic duo, for some reason, we always end up pleasantly surprised at these insane results.