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Jay Leno Badly Burned In Car Fire

Earlier today, news broke that “Jay Leno is in a burn center after suffering a serious injury to his face,” according to TMZ.

Sources say that Leno was working in his garage on Saturday when one of his cars burst into flames. The source of the fire was said to be related to gasoline but other than that, the details of the incident are rather sparse. In the process, the widely loved car enthusiast suffered a burn to the left side of his face. Fortunately, the flames didn’t penetrate Leno’s eyes or ears.

While he currently is residing in the hospital at Los Angeles’s Grossman Burn Center to be treated for serious burns, he is stable. Fortunately, some of the news at least looks promising. Leno says that he will need a week or two to recover. Hopefully, this points to a hopeful outcome for the former late-night television icon.

We’re not quite sure when Leno will be back at it. In the interim, though, Leno has canceled upcoming appearances.

Here in the automotive corner of the world, Jay Leno’s Garage has become quite the cornerstone of mainstream automotive media. In the show, Leno introduces us to all sorts of cars from his collection and abroad. Using his genuine curiosity alongside the impressive car encyclopedia that resides in Jay’s brain, he delivers both entertainment and education to anyone who might be interested in the world of wheels. In the world of celebrities, it can be difficult to find someone who truly understands car culture and what it means to be an enthusiast. With that, most would agree that Jay Leno fully embodies the lifestyle.

At this point, it’s hard to say when exactly we might see him again but prayers from the Speed Society are with him in the hopes of a quick recovery.

Some pictures inside his collection: