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2023 Corvette Z06 Engine Failure After Just 52 Miles

One of the last things that the buyer of a new car wants to do is turn around and head back to the dealership because that car has issues. If you’re lucky, it’ll be quite some time before any new car needs to see a mechanic outside of getting its check-up for a bit of maintenance. However, for one 2023 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 owner who purchased his car just before Christmas, that would be the exact situation that he had faced.

Mario Garcia took ownership of the 2023 Corvette Z06 1LZ on December 23 from Covina Hills Chevrolet in Covina, California. This exciting situation was the next step in Corvette ownership as Garcia had owned another C8 before purchasing this particular model.

After the deal was finalized, Garcia took off from the lot with his new car but would soon find that the car was down on power. Just 52 miles after purchasing his new ride, it would have to be put on a tow truck and taken back to the dealer to be fixed. To make matters even more disheartening, this purchase came after Garcia was willing to take a bit of a beating on price, ponying up $182,457 when the MSRP was $113,975. It’s a steep price but some are willing to pay to play to be the first behind the wheel of such a car. The car would have a catastrophic meltdown after what was likely no more than an hour of driving.

While the excitement of a new car could be enough to lure someone into dealing with these issues, it seems like Garcia is not one of those people. He says that once the car is fixed, he’s probably going to move on and sell this Corvette to make a new owner.

Down below, Garcia outlines his brand new Z06 ownership experience that doesn’t exactly get the stamp of approval. As of now, it doesn’t look like there’s a common point of failure on the new Corvette model but it’s certainly a situation that’s worth following.

