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Farmtruck and AZN Deliver Behind the Scenes Footage From Round 2 of NEW OG Street Outlaws

They’re ba-ack!

As the Street Outlaws progressed from street cars to big tire racing machines, the dynamic duo of Farmtruck and AZN found themselves falling out of the fold. However, thankfully, with a new season comes to a new idea – to go back to the way things were!

Those who tune in Monday nights on Discovery or use the Discovery Plus app will be able to catch the vibe of what Street Outlaws racing once was.

While watching race cars rocket down the street in the highest form of competition is nothing short of an adrenaline rush, there’s just something about simplifying the equation that’s oh-so satisfying. In this new season, that’s exactly what we’re witnessing as the competitors ditch the high-dollar racing operations and dig back into the type of competition that got them into the scene in the first place.

Not only does the simplified format seem like more fun for the competitors as something akin to a full-time job has become a lot easier. It also is a product that more fans will be able to relate to. Sure, plenty of gearheads appreciate the effort that goes into operating a big tire racing machine but when the show feels more like a weekend hangout among friends, it hits much closer to home.

This time, we check in with some behind-the-scenes footage that shows some of the action from race night. While we’re definitely into watching the show come to life on TV in its finished and polished format, these behind-the-scenes vlog videos straight from the FarmtruckandAZN give us an authentic vibe that is hard to beat.

Below, we’re taken straight to the source that shows a bit of action and a genuine reaction as the duo explains how they’re feeling about the way things are going and what’s to come.