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GM and Netflix Join Forces in Super Bowl Commercial to Pledge More EVs in New Shows

I know, I know. Releasing Super Bowl commercials before the actual Super Bowl is a major conundrum. You’re not alone in thinking that it’s incredibly offputting for a brand to spend all of that time and money putting together a creative marketing effort for the big game only to burst its bubble before the game ever comes. I could really rant about this for hours but that’s not why we’re here so I digress.

In any case, among the premature releases this year, General Motors has collaborated with an incredibly unlikely partner in the name of promoting its most recent line of electric vehicles.

That partner just so happens to be video streaming platform, Netflix, a seemingly risky partnership given that the general public seems to be a little bit up in arms with the streaming service over its recent crackdown on password sharing.

The commercial also enlists the help of comedian, Will Ferrell, to help the brand get its message across. Predominantly, Ferrell appears in a variety of familiar scenes from popular Netflix series, showcasing how electric vehicles might fit well in the Netflix landscape. The main message of the campaign, aside from showcasing GM’s EV selection is to mention this new inclusion of electric vehicles in Netflix series.

This raises some very relevant questions like if an EV would be better or worse when it comes to something like a zombie apocalypse series.

It’s unclear if this means that Netflix will be pushing EVs in general or if they’ll have some sort of exclusive partnership with General Motors akin to the way that we see a Dodge pop up every 3 seconds in Fast and Furious films.

Below, we check in with the big game campaign to see exactly how the General is planning to proceed this upcoming weekend.
