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Unveiled, Cold Weather Impact on EV Range: How Bad Is It?

On the surface, electric vehicles sound like a fantastic idea. The ongoing debate between combustion and electric options notwithstanding, the allure of plugging in a car, eliminating visits to gas stations, and enjoying a more cost-effective ownership experience is undeniably appealing. The dream of bidding farewell to those inconvenient fuel trips is, in itself, a major advantage.

However, delving into the flip side reveals certain shortcomings that may not be receiving the attention they deserve. General enthusiasm for groundbreaking technology can sometimes blind us to crucial factors that might pose challenges in the future. Being too excited about moving forward can be a good way to overlook potential costly pitfalls lurking along the path.

In this context, let’s explore how electric vehicles fare in cold weather, a facet that has been talked about but doesn’t have much as far as material tests to back up that talk. While a Tesla Model 3 boasts a range of over 300 miles on a single charge under optimal conditions, introducing cold weather into the equation might significantly impact this figure.

To address concerns about potential performance issues in chilly climates, TFLEV takes a closer look at how the Tesla Model 3 performs in extremely cold weather, with temperatures plummeting below 0°.

The team conducts tests to assess the impact of cold soaking on the batteries and evaluates any subsequent changes in performance. The video below provides insights into whether the touted range holds up in adverse weather conditions.

By examining the performance of electric vehicles in challenging environments, such as freezing temperatures, TFLEV aims to offer a more comprehensive understanding of their capabilities. This additional layer of information becomes crucial for individuals contemplating the leap into electric vehicle ownership, allowing them to make informed decisions based on a realistic assessment of potential challenges.