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America has it EASY: The INSANE struggle of owning a car in Singapore | Capturing Car Culture

If there’s one aspect of gaining experience, it’s the realization not to take things for granted. Life often presents situations that trigger frustration, but examining our circumstances through a different lens can reveal how fortunate we truly are. This is particularly relevant in the world of car enthusiasts, where challenges persist, shedding light on the value of the community we’re a part of.

In the United States, the car enthusiast community finds itself embroiled in an ongoing struggle. External forces seek to stomp on our passion for vehicle modification, leading to occasional frustration within our community.

Yet, when we step outside our own perspective and peer into the lives of others, gratitude might be found. An example can be found in a recent exploration by Hagerty. In this eye-opening journey, host Larry Chen delves into the car culture thriving in Singapore, a realm where car enthusiasts endure unique challenges.

In Singapore, a staggering cost of $80,000 stands as the initial hurdle to car ownership, apart from the vehicle’s price itself. Furthermore, their system of car ownership demands a “certificate of entitlement” fee every decade. Failing to pay means that you car risks being crushed.

The video insightfully reveals the hoops Singaporeans navigate to partake in their passion. Additionally, Chen highlights the soaring cost of driving in Singapore, where expenses related to cars are reportedly 8 to 10 times higher compared to global norms.

The video raises pertinent questions: How complex is the life of a car enthusiast in Singapore, and what’s the financial toll? By delving into this captivating content, we gain a glimpse into a reality that seems almost dystopian but is unfolding on a daily basis.

As car enthusiasts, this exploration beckons us to pause and appreciate the liberties we enjoy. While our journey might encounter obstacles, understanding the diverse challenges faced by fellow enthusiasts worldwide reinforces the unity of our community.