Big Chief and Jackie Open up About No Prep Kings, Memphis Street Outlaws, More!

In the current era of technology, we can get closer to the story than ever.
These days, we are treated with everything from podcasts to vlogs and even Q&A videos so that fans can really get behind the scenes and know all of the details that they have been dying to learn about. That means that we don’t just get the short PR-centric sound bite but instead can hear how things play out in long-form.
Seriously, how cool is it that anyone can hop on YouTube and fire away questions for their favorite athletes or entertainers?
This time, those behind-the-scenes details just so happen to come from some of our favorite Street Outlaws. Over the past couple of weeks, Chief and Jackie have been doing fans a solid by hopping on YouTube and answering some of the most frequently asked questions.
Down in the video below, we get to join in with Big Chief and Jackie as they take us inside of a little bit of a Q&A. In this one, fans can get the behind-the-scenes action on what these two have been up to along with a little bit of an explanation of some of the things that might have aired and need a little bit more of a deep dive to really explain.
It seems as if this video is targeted toward recent events like Memphis Street Outlaws, No Prep Kings, and what’s happening in the streets.
Chief and Jackie sat down to answer some of the most intriguing questions from fans to continue to tell their story. In fact, we got such a deep dive that the session lasted nearly two hours. For those who might feel like they need a little bit more of a Street Outlaws fix, this is definitely the way to go about satisfying that need for speed!