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Cruise Ship Hits Land at Full Tilt (Multiple Camera Angles)

Have you ever sat and wondered what exactly happens to something like a cruise ship once it has journeyed on its final ride? Certainly, there are lots of useful parts on board and it shouldn’t all just go to waste, right? On the other hand, we have to wonder just what sort of an effort it has to take to be able to recycle or scrap something like this. We’re that with these massive hotels in the water, there has to be a special way of going about things, right?

Well, believe it or not, there is an entire industry dedicated to pulling apart these sorts of ships and extracting all of the parts within. At the end of the day, a vessel like this couldn’t just be left to sit somewhere as not only is there value within but it’s also harmful for the environment.

This time, we get dialed in at the very first step in the process of what’s called shipbreaking. Essentially, this is where ships go to die. With what’s up essentially a massive boat graveyard, all sorts of different oversized vessels from cargo ships to cruise ships come in to see their final destiny. It’s kind of bittersweet to watch vessels like this come to the end of the road.

By following along with the video below, we get to watch a rare sight as a massive cruise ship runs directly into a piece of ground. It’s pretty odd to see such a massive vessel going quickly forward as it rams into the ground. However, unlike other situations where this might happen on accident, the person behind the controls here is doing everything completely deliberately. To the untrained eye, something like this might seem a little bit out of place. However, it’s something that happens each and every day.