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Dangerous Chase Involving 3 Reported Grand Theft Auto Suspects Gets Aggressive in Santa Clarita

Being a police officer is a job that certainly requires taking the good with the bad. Every day, these men and women who put their lives on the line are sure to expect something different as the job will never be the same on two days in a row.

On this particular day in Santa Clarita, California, police officers would be greeted with an insane situation that almost looked like something out of a movie or a video game. The situation had people glued to their television screens to see what would come next.

When attempting to pull over the driver behind the wheel of a Cadillac Escalade, officers would soon determine that the man behind the wheel had absolutely no plans to yield to emergency sirens. Instead, the suspect would take officers, both on the ground and in the sky, on a wild chase that ended up making the news and having residents all over the city wondering exactly what was happening.

The eye in the sky followed the action as the chase took them through some crazy twists and turns. It’s pretty incredible to watch as the SUV goes backward on the highway, taking itself into oncoming traffic in the name of getting away from the law. To their dismay, though, the eye in the sky managed to capture it all. It’s going to be rare for a fleeing criminal to escape when the police break out of the helicopter.

The camera even kept rolling as the men suspected of grand theft auto jumped out of the vehicle, continuing to chase on foot. It was here that the chase would rush through the yards of a neighborhood before the suspects eventually found themselves face down on the ground and surrendering when they had discovered that it was likely that they weren’t going to be getting away with this one.