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Ford Announces “Men’s Only Edition” Ford Explorer For International Women’s Day

The year 2023 has been a pretty interesting adventure so far as it applies to how major corporations interact with their audience. If the past couple of years have told us anything, it’s that one wrong step can be a surefire way to become “canceled” – whatever that means.

However, as corporate marketing teams attempt to tiptoe the line of what’s politically correct, platforms like TikTok have given rise to a new movement of advertising that attempts to reach out to the next generation in a way that’s a bit more lighthearted and silly. We’ve even seen a couple of big brands release advertising efforts on their TikTok accounts that might have users checking if the ad is actually from the official account or not.

Shock factor definitely is one good way to catch eyeballs for your brand and that’s what brands have been trying out.

This time, Ford is added to the list of controversial advertisements as it takes the opportunity to release a “Men’s Only” Edition Ford Explorer on International Women’s Day.

Of course, when we get down to the nuts and bolts of the joke, it isn’t what it seems on the surface. If there was actually a model of a vehicle designed just for men, it would send social media into a tailspin.

Instead, the headline here is rather genius as it baits readers into thinking that Ford had done something that would have mainstream media absolutely crushing them in today’s political environment.

In reality, this “Men’s Only” Ford Explorer puts together a package that doesn’t include parts that were invented by women. This means that the SUV will have no windshield wipers, heater, turn signals, rearview mirror, or GPS system – parts that the commercial’s narrator, Breaking Bad’s Bryan Cranston, reminds us we’re all parts created by women.

The commercial goes on to tell us that “This women’s history month, Ford salutes the visionary automotive work by women past, present, and future.”

And yes. If you haven’t figured it out by now, the Ford Explorer Men’s Only Edition isn’t a real release.
