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GM Truck Production SHUTDOWN – Are the Prices Increasing?

Those who have been paying attention to the automotive market over the past couple of years have likely noticed that it has been an absolute whirlwind.

It seems as if the root of the craziness can be traced back to pandemic times. Of course, with the supply chain issues that plagued just about every industry, supply numbers went away and demand remained consistent meaning that the price of lots of things including vehicles shot through the roof.

Fast forward and it seems as if maybe the automotive industry is getting to a time where inventory is starting to stack back up again. However, it seems as if the suppliers are trying out some different strategies in light of some of the information gathered during the pandemic.

One of the big pieces of news to come out in recent days is that General Motors is actually shutting down an entire truck production plant in Fort Wayne, Indiana. General Motors says that the shutdown is designed to maintain optimal inventory levels. That seems like an awful lot of corporate speak, if you ask us.

The brand will still have three other plants in operation so pickup truck production isn’t going to come all the way to a halt. However, some onlookers have been left to question the motives of the automaker wondering what such a shut down could actually do – claiming that this is a form of inventory control to keep prices high.

While there has been speculation that perhaps a move like this could be related to pricing control, General Motors insists that this move will be used to strengthen business and to run leaner to make sure that dealers are getting the right vehicles at the right time.

Below, we check in with YouTube creator, Brian Mello who gives us his opinion on the matter, chiming in on what he thinks, citing that perhaps a mass customization model is one of the motives behind making such an interesting decision.