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Here’s How the Internet Travels Across the Ocean

There are some things that we have access to in this modern society that can be incredibly easy to take for granted.

For example, having internet just about everywhere is something that most folks in America have become incredibly comfortable with. However, what we don’t frequently see is that having functioning internet comes on the back of a ton of hard work and endless development. Engineers and laborers alike have all put in countless hours in the name of making sure that your wifi doesn’t skip a beat and is as reliable as possible.

This time, though, perhaps we may just have stumbled upon the explanation that makes the internet a little bit easier to appreciate. To do that, we check in with an extreme example of an underwater cable that takes things to the next level. Not only are there miles upon miles of cable that need to be run in order to provide Internet to the world. Some of the cables just so happen to go all the way to the floor of the ocean, really taking on an all-new challenge in the name of modern convenience.

Thanks to the crew at Tech Vision, we follow along with how exactly this technology works and what it takes in order to bring the Internet to our doorsteps. How is the cable protected and how much of it is needed to cross the ocean? It’s not every day that we get to see the behind-the-scenes workings of the technology that drastically improves our every day lives.

By following along with the video below, we check out the video that we think is going to change a lot of peoples’ level of appreciation for having an internet that works properly. Even though it seems like the Internet is such a basic function of our daily lives these days, a video like this truly shows us that it’s something that we should have a great appreciation for.