“How Do You Mess Up This Bad” – Range Rover Car Wash Fail

As human beings, we all have our imperfections, and none of us is immune to making mistakes in life. Nobody is perfect, and there are days when things just don’t seem to go right. Whether it’s a lack of sleep, a momentary distraction, or some other factor we wish we could rewind, these days are part of our journey.
However, it’s essential to remember that such days serve a purpose too. Without the occasional hiccups and stumbles, we might not fully appreciate the brighter moments in life.
In this particular incident, we find ourselves in the company of a Range Rover owner. Owning one of these luxurious SUVs often comes with a price tag that can lead to substantial car payments.
In an unfortunate twist of events, the owner found themselves facing an unexpected situation at a car wash. Security cameras captured the entire episode as the Range Rover entered the automatic wash, seemingly a routine procedure. However, a surprise awaited as the SUV rolled in and the rear gate unexpectedly lifted.
It’s unclear whether this was a mechanical error or a simple mistake by the owner who might have accidentally pushed the wrong button. What followed was inevitable, as the SUV’s rear hatch was left exposed to the car wash’s mechanical arm.
What transpired next is a cringe-worthy moment, made even more agonizing by the vehicle’s significant cost. The car wash, however, doesn’t discriminate. The roller, designed to move around the vehicle, was unable to navigate the open hatch and, in the process, forcefully tore the back door off the Range Rover, bending it entirely upward.
The result? An expensive mishap and a challenging situation for the driver. If this was merely a momentary oversight, it’s safe to say that it’s one the driver won’t forget, ensuring that future car wash visits will be more carefully navigated.
How do you mess up this bad 😭 pic.twitter.com/EikBOdXCdi
— non aesthetic things (@PicturesFoIder) October 26, 2023