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Quickly Fix a Stripped Aluminum Bolt Hole

Stripping out threads is always a massive pain in the butt. Luckily, there are numerous ways to repair the threads back to usability, and thanks to YouTube host sixtyfiveford, we have several of them to share with you.

From the obvious methods we all know about, such as drilling and tapping the hole out to a larger size or using a heli-coil, so some of the less-obvious like filling the hole with JB Weld and drilling it to create new threads or simply JB Welding the bolts in place if you’re sure you won’t be taking them back out. The most creative idea seems to be the best idea; using strands of copper wire to screw the bolt into, compressing the softer copper into the old threads and offering a very secure hold. You can do the same with aluminum foil, though it is somewhat less secure than the copper strand method.

Next time you have some stripped aluminum threads, just hit he search bar and type in those terms and this video should pop right up and hopefully help you solve that problem quickly!