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San Jose Property Has Been Crashed Into 23 Times, Owner Refuses to Move!

For just about everybody, when it comes to our living situations, we’re willing to deal with some level of inconvenience. Maybe that line is drawn at noisy neighbors or maybe it’s the distance to get to the nearest grocery store that can cause a stir.

A recent story that popped up, though, had us wondering exactly where the line is drawn that would absolutely force us to move.

Let’s just say that Ray Minter of San Jose is dealing with an inconvenience that we aren’t too sure many people would live through. In fact, we might even go so far as saying that most people, when faced with such a situation, would likely be quick to toss a “for sale” sign out front.

For this particular property, according to a report by NBC Bay Areathere have been 23 accounts since 1964 where Minter has had to deal with a car running into his house. That’s right, a little bit more frequently than once every other year, a vehicle has found a way to plow into the home’s fence, vehicles out front, or even into the house itself. Ray recalls three cars that he has lost in the process.

The homeowner told NBC Bay Area that the issue comes when cars are speeding off of a nearby highway ramp. Fortunately, though, he also says that nobody has been hurt in the process which seems to be nothing short of a miracle.

The news report also mentions that Ray has reached out to the city and state to see what kind of projects they might be able to come up with to help prevent such instances from happening in the future. What it comes down to, though, is that these projects simply aren’t happening quickly enough. Therefore, in the meantime, Minter has decided to install a couple of reinforced polls with the hope that he can protect his property from something like this happening in the future.