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Street Outlaws Prepare to Head Down Terrible Road in Chicago Battle

For those who were under the impression that street racing is as simple as hopping in a car, throwing a ton of power at it, and punching the throttle, think again.

Instead, we would argue that this form of racing is equal parts art and science. Racers will consider every last element of a situation to determine their best chances at winning. From the tire size involved to the road conditions and even the material that the road is made out of, it’s important to really analyze a situation to have the best chances at winning.

In this particular outing, the crew from the 405 heads out of town to do battle with another group of racers. One thing about street racing is that there is most certainly a home-field advantage in play. If racers get to compete in their own backyard at a spot that they’re very familiar with, there’s a good chance that they will know exactly how to set up their cars to succeed on this road.

However, on the flip side of that coin, we find the racers who travel to a race and are participating on a surface that they aren’t exactly familiar with. Because of this, they’re going to have to do their best to alter their racing machines to make sure that they have a good shot at making it from the start line to the finish line in the most effective way possible.

With the footage below, we check in as the crew from the 405 heads to Chicago to face racers from both Chicago and Kansas. In this particular situation, the road is an unpredictable mix of factors at best. At the starting line, we find a lumpy, unforgiving-looking surface that the crew doesn’t know exactly how to work with. However, after a little bit of brainstorming, it seems like they’ve come up with a plan!