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The Truth About Weight Distribution and Trailers… Proven!

Pulling a trailer behind a vehicle might look simple enough. Someone who wants to do this takes the trailer and attaches it to a tow ball on the back of a vehicle. After making sure that the vehicle is up to specifications to be able to pull a certain amount of weight, that’s it, right?

While this may seem like the case to the untrained trailer puller, the reality of the matter isn’t exactly simple. As folks who are seasoned with pulling trailers will tell you, strapping down a load in the proper way and distributing the weight just right is very important. Not only will this make sure that a load doesn’t end up falling off the trailer but it can also ensure that you don’t end up crashing as well.

As it turns out, distributing weight on the trailer in the wrong way can be a formula for chaos. Position your load too far forward and too much tongue weight will ruin the steering capability of your rig. Throw the load on the back of the trailer and the balance will be so thrown off that if that trailer starts wobbling, you had better hold on for dear life and hope that things work out. These wobbling trailers have been seen time and time again in viral videos where the driver just simply can’t do anything but wait for that trailer to stop wobbling which might not come until the tow rig is upside down in a ditch!

This time, we check in with the video from L2SFBC – Robert Pepper – auto journo that actually shows us just how important this weight distribution can be. With a simple yet effective model, we watch as a trailer is loaded up in a couple of different ways and the results are simply astounding.