This Personal Drone Should be at the Top of Everyone’s Christmas List

If we took a look into the future a couple of decades ago, we would think that plenty would have guessed that there might be some sort of flying car by now. If the cartoon hit, The Jetsons, from the 1960s had anything to say about it, we have about 40 more years until the personal flying machine is a thing.
As time would tell, obviously, we don’t all have flying cars just yet. However, that isn’t to say that there aren’t companies out there that are looking to change the trajectory of personal transportation and take it to the air.
One of the companies looking to do that is appropriately named Jetson.
When looking over the spec sheet for the Jetson One, a personal drone of sorts, we learn that the machine promises a 20 minute flight time thanks to a high power output electric brushless outrunner motor. With such a flight time, we aren’t exactly sure that this would be a reliable mode of transportation to drive every day but instead more of a toy to play with during leisure time.
Those who get behind the controls will find a three-axis joystick along with a throttle lever to control the drone. Our next question was exactly how fast it could go to and we find the answer at a software-limited 63 mph.
The brand looks to start getting the Jetson ONE in the hands of consumers next year. While 2022 delivery is sold out, the brand is taking orders for 2023 on its website.
By following along with the video below, we get a real idea of exactly what it would be like to have our own personal flying car. In this particular video, the Jetson One is taken through the forest for a little bit of leisurely cruising.
Yup! Sign me up for this!