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Train and semi-truck collide in heart-stopping moment

Train Collides with Semi-Truck in Bartow County, Georgia

A dramatic incident unfolded early Tuesday morning in Bartow County, Georgia, as a train collided with a semi-truck on railroad tracks near Interstate 75. Video footage captured the heart-stopping moment when the train plowed into the tractor-trailer, narrowly missing the driver. The driver’s quick actions likely saved his life, highlighting the dangers posed by railroad crossings.

Train Collides with Semi Truck in Bartow County Georgia Credit Zack Hatcher Facebook

Video Captures Heart-Stopping Collision

The incident, captured on video, occurred at the railroad crossing off Allatoona Road. As the train approached, the blaring of its horns signaled danger. The crossing arms lowered just in time as a man, identified as the truck driver, leaped out of the driver’s side and ran for safety. Moments later, the train collided with the semi-truck, sending debris flying and causing the trailer to overturn.

Narrow Escape and Aftermath

Witnesses, including nearby motorist Hatcher, observed the chaotic scene. Hatcher had to reverse his car quickly to avoid being hit by the debris. Miraculously, the truck driver emerged unharmed as the train came to a halt. Concerned for the driver’s safety, Hatcher bravely approached the wreckage to check on him.

Eyewitness Account and Police Response

Captain Lisa Fuller of the City of Emerson Police Department provided insights into the incident. Both the engineer and conductor reported seeing the truck on the tracks and attempted to stop the train but were unable to prevent the collision. This marked the eighth documented incident at the same crossing since 2017, highlighting a recurring safety concern.

Authorities cited the truck driver for attempting to cross the railroad tracks without sufficient space to clear the crossing safely. While no injuries were reported, authorities expressed relief that the outcome wasn’t more severe, given previous incidents where drivers were unable to escape their vehicles in time.

Safety Tips for Drivers Near Train Crossings

In light of this incident, roadside service provider AAA offered crucial safety tips for drivers approaching train crossings:

  1. Slow Down: Reduce speed when crossing train tracks to ensure safe maneuvering.
  2. Avoid Stopping on Tracks: Never stop on the tracks or between the down gate and tracks.
  3. Ensure Clearance: Ensure there is enough room on the other side of the tracks before crossing.
  4. Obey Signals and Gates: Follow all signals, lights, bells, and gates at railroad crossings.
  5. Don’t Drive Around Gates: Never attempt to drive around a gate that is down.
  6. Stay Alert: Be aware of your surroundings and listen for trains, whistles, and warning bells.
  7. Look Out: Keep an eye out for trains, stopped vehicles, lowered gates, and warning lights.
  8. Avoid Distractions: Minimize distractions while driving, especially near railroad crossings.


The collision between the train and the semi-truck in Bartow County serves as a stark reminder of the importance of railway safety. Quick thinking by the truck driver and timely responses by the train crew prevented a potentially tragic outcome. As drivers, it’s vital to remain vigilant and adhere to safety guidelines when approaching railroad crossings to prevent accidents and ensure everyone’s safety. Photo / Video Credit – Zack Hatcher/ Facebook