Don’t Fall For These Car Mods That Are Actually a Ripoff
Wherever there is money to be made, there is certainly going to be somebody trying to take money without providing a good product in return. For some folks, integrity isn’t a vital part of the game but instead, they will do anything they can to maximize profit margins, even if that means selling you something that is basically garbage.
For those who have been around the car community for a while, they know that this is a big part of aftermarket modification. There is definitely something to be said about creativity that brings new innovation to the marketplace. People looking to make their cars faster are constantly searching for the next big thing. However, the manufacturers behind these things are also trying to sell that next big thing. It doesn’t always necessarily mean that it’s going to translate to results, though.
This time, we tune in with the one and only Craig Lieberman as he takes us inside of the world of aftermarket modifications. Lieberman is so well-versed in cars that he earned the chance to be the technical advisor to help pick the cars out for the first couple of Fast and Furious movies. He didn’t get that job responsibility without knowing his way around an engine bay.
In this one, we take things from the fantasy world that Lieberman was picking out cards for and bring that world to reality. For those who want to start adding power in a very real way, this advice might help you to understand exactly which car modifications to stay away from. It’s certainly a world where there are a lot of options. Being able to find the ones that make the most sense in the scheme of things could definitely be a difficult journey. With this advice, though, we think that those looking to make their rides a little bit faster will be able to avoid a couple of key pitfalls.