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Farmtruck Makes a Pass in Farmtruck Go Kart Made Out of Vending Machines

The racing season is heating up rapidly with various promotions underway, including the highly anticipated season six kick-off of No Prep Kings filmed last weekend at National Trail Raceway in Hebron, Ohio. The event saw the return of many familiar faces, eager to kick-start the new season in style. A new format was even introduced, where team captains selected their own roster of competitors to go head-to-head with other teams, adding an exciting element to the competition.

Among the enthusiasts involved in the action, Farmtruck and AZN made their presence felt. While they don’t compete in the No Prep Kings circuit, they always manage to captivate fans with their entertaining endeavors. Whether it’s their own spin-off ventures or thrilling exhibition runs down the track, the dynamic duo consistently provides something enjoyable for us to indulge in, much of which can be seen on their FarmtruckandAZN YouTube channel.

This time around, we join FNA as they meet up with a couple of local fabricators, with whom they claim to have crossed paths several times before. During this encounter, the fabricators showcased an incredibly intriguing creation to Team FNA.

The contraption bore a striking resemblance to the iconic Farmtruck, albeit on a much smaller scale. A familiar, weathered Chevrolet C10 design caught our attention, but with an unconventional twist. Instead of being built from a full-size pickup truck, this unique machine was crafted using the framework of a vending machine. Combining this vending machine architecture with bathroom appliances and an array of custom components, the fabricators brought to life an astonishing miniature Farmtruck go-kart. To add a special touch, the creation even featured its own faux nitrous purge, enhancing its authenticity and appeal.

Below, we get to feel the emotions of excitement grow as race season is coming to a fever pitch. This time of year always seems to have a way of getting our adrenaline pumping!