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Breaking: Ford Cuts 3,000 Jobs in the Name of Moving to an “EV Future”

The automotive market has its attention turned toward a monumental shift in the way things are handled as electric vehicles become more popular. It’s at this point that EVs are poising themselves to challenge the norms of combustion-powered vehicles and, as such, are going to present a lot of growing pains. We’re not exactly sure how or where these growing pains are going to be felt the worst but as major legacy manufacturers begin to shift their production, we are already beginning to see how some of these changes are going to happen.

In a recent release related to exactly this phenomenon, Ford has announced that they are going to lay off 3000 white-collar jobs. These jobs consist of 2000 salaried employees and 1000 outside contractors. The move is almost entirely attributed to Ford pivoting to an electric vehicle future. While 3000 have been laid off at this time, in addition, insiders say that when all is said and done, as many as 8000 jobs could be gone.

The cuts represent about 6% of the 31,000 full-time salaried workforces in the US and Canada.

Ford released a statement that said that it’s moving towards an electric future that’s going to require “changing and reshaping” in the name of “clarity and speed.” The company also alluded to the idea that the company is going to have to completely revamp its cost structure so it can become more competitive in the marketplace where maybe the blue oval feels as if it has lost a step to its competitors in recent years.

As the changing landscape is sure to throw curveballs and warrant some confusion, some even warn that this might be the new state of the union for legacy automakers. While new manufacturers come into the fold offering products that the brands were built to create, manufacturers like Ford have to completely overhaul certain processes as the electric vehicle isn’t as similar to traditional combustion vehicles as some might have originally thought.