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Jeff Lutz to Compete at Mega Cash Days in a Honda Civic

As the seasons change and one racing event comes to an end, it’s time to shift gears. Of course, we’re talking about No Prep Kings finally crowning a champion. Some might think that once the weather begins to get chilly, maybe some of our favorite Street Outlaws end up taking a break. However, they couldn’t be any further from the truth for some competitors who are going straight from the track at NPK to the streets to compete in Mega Cash Days.

Mega Cash Days will be sure to deliver some big money as last year’s event was a throw down for $600,000. With such a prize on the line, the competition is sure to be stout. In addition, some of the fan favorites and biggest names in the racing industry will be out with their small tire cars, gunning for one another, all in the name of taking down the title of “top dog” and the massive prize that goes along with it.

This time, the racing operation up for discussion comes from Lutz Race Cars.

Recently, we have become accustomed to seeing Jeff Lutz behind the wheel of his Pontiac GTO at NPK. This time, however, he switches gears in a fashion that some might not have been ready for. Instead of an American muscle machine like most competitors are going to have at Mega Cash Days, Lutz will be pulling up to race in a Honda Civic, a car that has been a part of his stable for a little while now.

This isn’t just any Civic, as most could probably tell at first glance. Heck, it isn’t even front-wheel drive. What the car does share in common with the rest of the competition, though, is that it’s getting a lot of attention in order to be in its best form come race day. There are going to be a lot of heavy hitters showing up to Mega Cash Days and Lutz and company want to make sure that they’re as dialed in as possible to chase after that top prize.