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Kye Kelley Called Out Ryan Martin FIRST Round at the No Prep Kings Finals in Texas for the Championship

It’s absolutely no secret that the most dominant competitor around the No Prep Kings circuit has been Ryan Martin. Try as they might, competitors have not been able to knock Martin and his Fireball Camaro off of the top of the podium. This year, though, as the last race of the year unfolded, Martin found his lead dwindling away and in some serious danger.

This time, we ride along with the second seed in the No Prep Kings standings coming into the final race of the season for the championship in Texas. Kye Kelley has fought through some serious adversity this year and truly earned his spot toward the top of the pecking order. However, coming into the final race of the year, he would need to have everything unfold just right in order to have a shot at going home with the championship.

In other words, a best-case scenario for Kelley would involve Martin losing in the first round and having himself win the whole event. His best shot at having that happen would be to call out Martin in the first round of the final race. However, with all eyes on him and all of the pressure in the world, Martin would stand by the smartest decision which was turning down the challenge from one of the event’s other fastest racers, hoping to gain some points by drawing someone who isn’t quite as quick.

To Kelley’s pleasure, Martin actually would end up being eliminated from the competition in the first round which is something that can’t be said all that often. From there, it was in Kelley’s hands to win the event and take home the Championship. The video below shows us that attempt along with some awesome racing through the “Great 8 Invitational” to get things going the night before.