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The Biggest, Baddest, and Best Trucks of the 2023 Chicago Auto Show

I think it’s pretty safe to say that, as far as the automotive industry goes, we are most certainly at a pivotal point. Of course, the elephant in the room as it comes to the truck market is the idea that combustion and electric power are battling back and forth with one another to become top dogs.

While it might seem like electric powered vehicles have come on the scene with a vengeance, combustion-powered vehicles are still making waves as well. Even though manufacturers have been heavy on the marketing with their EVs, it seems like, at least in the world of trucks, most purchases are still powered by gasoline or diesel as concerns about battery life as it relates to workhorses pop up.

So, in contrast to the marketing efforts by automotive manufacturers, what does the scene really look like? Well, to get a good idea of exactly which direction the industry is going in, the crew over at TFLtalk took the liberty of heading to Chicago for the 2023 rendition of the Chicago Auto Show.

In this particular video, our hosts take on the world of trucks, taking us inside just about every manufacturer one can imagine. We also get a fair look at some of the aftermarket options that are on the market these days for the pickup truck of your choice. With innovation at a fever pitch, some of the inventions that we have seen recently have taken the utility of a classic vehicle design to a new level.

Below, we get the complete tour of Chicago’s Auto Show. We do have to warn you, though, because truck enthusiasts might just be so inclined to spend a little bit of money after watching something like this. If this video doesn’t completely talk one into buying a new truck, there are definitely some accessories here that are pretty trick and might be calling out to your bank account!