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Vintage Top Gear Clips so Edgy They’d NEVER Make it to TV in 2023

As time pushes forward, the boundaries for what is allowed to be said on TV have definitely changed. Whether it’s for better or for worse, it seems as if mainstream outlets will only allow content on their platform to push so many buttons. If lines are crossed advertisers will scurry away which means that the bills don’t get paid. The result is a major contributor to cancel culture as we know it.

Over the years, it’s hard to say that any presenters have chiseled out the impact in the car world that Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May have. There’s something about their quirky style mixed with humor and a little bit of edginess that seems to have drawn in audiences over the years. Even when the trio’s most popular member, Jeremy Clarkson, managed to get canceled from Top Gear, the three hopped right on over to a different network, creating a new show, and continuing with their success.

In any case, over the years, the humor that has been used on Top Gear and the trio’s subsequent programming on The Grand Tour has frequently been described as edgy. Of course, this sort of edginess is a big part of the success and also caters to the ideology that “any press is good press.” We can’t help but wonder, though, if this sort of humor would fly on a major network with the political climate in the year 2023.

Today, the three continue on pushing the boundaries as usual. In the collection of clips below, though, we check in with YouTube user, incT, who has put together some of the most controversial segments that this trio has ever taken part in.

After checking in with this one, be sure to tell us if you think that the big 3 would be able to deliver such humor on major networks.