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Worst Crashes in Motorsport in 2021 – FULL Compilation

It doesn’t matter if a racer is on a motorcycle ripping around the track at 200 mph or behind the wheel of a NASCAR stock car going door to door at the same speed – no form of racing is immune to an accident here and there. In fact, these are the moments that fans can’t help but watch over and over again. There’s something about an accident that we never want to see but when they happen, we just can’t look away.

During the course of a race season, there are just so many situations that unfold that it would be nearly impossible to catch them all from the wide scope of racing series that there are. Even if you were a fan of multiple different forms of racing, it’s probably almost impossible to catch every race that happens throughout the many series over the course of a year.

For the fans who are interested in seeing some of the most insane crashes in all of motorsports, though, there is a YouTube video for that. As it turns out, there is a creator who seems to specialize in this sort of thing. The creator goes by the name of motorsportcrashesandfails and took it upon himself to patch together some of the most insane crashes that happened in 2021 in motorsport. The video spans all sorts of different race formats but most of these clips have one thing in common. The crashes that happened within them are nothing short of insane to wrap our minds around.

A video like this is a stark reminder that these sorts of racers are constantly putting themselves and their vehicles in danger every time they fire them up. Not only are they risking life and limb but at a bare minimum, tens of thousands of dollars if not hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the line every time that they end up sliding out of control.
