1300 HORSEPOWER SICK 50 MEGA MUD TRUCK Today, we check out the 1950 Chevrolet truck known as the Sick 50 Mega Truck. We’ve seen some gnarly mega truck racing lately, but this truck may take the cake as the cleanest build we’ve seen to date. Watch as the truck uses its monsterous amount of horsepower to throw all that mass back like it’s nothing as it does a few hits on the street!
The 540 big block belts out over 1300hp as the roaring truck tears up and down the street. At some points, the power almost makes it look like it wants to lift up off of the ground. Perhaps our favorite part is the way this beast sounds! This one may cause just the disturbance that we know and love! Next up is seeing this bad boy rip it up in the mud! Stay tuned!