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Woman driver pulls out in front of a firetruck on a mission! Ends badly!

Despite their bright lights and loud sirens, sometimes drivers still find themselves involved in accidents with emergency vehicles. Whether it be from distracted driving or just a complete disregard for the first responders, these incidents obviously have a dual impact as they not only delay the response of the crew en route to an emergency call, they cause another need for more responders to help at the scene of another accident.

While these incidents could occasionally be the fault of the emergency responder, these individuals are usually highly trained and alert to the road and other drivers around them, which cannot always be said for your typical driver.

In this case, it was determined that the driver of the silver Grand Am actually heard the sirens of this approaching fire engine, but didn’t see it due to the glare from the sun, and by the time the driver of the fire engine realizes she was pulling into the intersection, it was too late for him to do much of anything but hit the brakes and steer to the left, which he did.

Surprisingly, neither the driver of the Grand Am nor either of the responders in the fire engine were seriously injured.