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Suicidal Road Rager Brake Checks SEMI Truck For No Reason

Most of the time, I don’t really get what is to be gained by road raging and taking action on it. Sure, I get that in some situations people get mad and have less of an ability to control their anger than others but in situations like this, you really have to question how people could be such in a state of mind that they are going to put their own personal safety in jeopardy. There is really no scenario where this one makes sense.

This time, we check out the situation surrounding a driver who is road raging pretty hard and it doesn’t look like he is putting anybody in danger aside from himself. Apparently, the way that this semi truck driver was navigating the roadways in some way made this SUV driver angry but the way that he solved the problem really left a head scratcher behind. I’m not sure what the goal in mind here even was.

From a dashcam point of view, we watch as a small SUV cuts over in front of the rather large truck and proceeds to slam on the brakes, brake checking the driver to show that he means business. Honestly, the only outcome that I see here aside from a missed accident like we saw is a situation that has that small SUV getting absolutely clobbered and the driver potentially getting injured. I can’t see this as being a victory for the driver of the SUV in any breakdown of the incident.

Follow along with the situation for yourself down in the video below and be sure to tell us what you think of how this driver took matters into his own hands and got to action in the most obscure of ways. Be sure to tell us what you think of this random act of road rage.