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DIY Making a Car Ramp Using Plywood Seems Incredibly Sketchy

When you stop and think about it, there are a ton of situations where you just head straight out to the store and buy something for convenience sake when, if you had a little bit of time and a couple of basic materials around the house, you could build it for yourself. Many times, it definitely does end up just being worth it to spend the money and buy a nice version of a certain tool or product that you’d use on a regular basis, however, in some situations, you can get away with doing things on your own.

Now, we’re not going to recommend that you go out and try this because, in a variety of situations, I can definitely see how this one would go poorly if it were to be tried without the exact right measures in place. However, watching this individual try to make his own car ramps using plywood seems to work out pretty well for him. Instead of spending the money on the steel ramps, he simply slaps together some wood, throws some screws in it, and has himself a nice little set of ramps. For his application, they seem to work pretty well. Outside of using jack stands here, it doesn’t really seem like this guy has too much to worry about with such a light vehicle, either.

Perhaps the best advice that we can give here is that if you do decide to try this one for yourself, to make sure that, as with any other situation, you use jack stands to back yourself up. When you’re playing around underneath the car and it comes tumbling down on you, shattering bones or potentially being fatal, you’ll learn exactly why investing a little bit of money in these stands is something worth so much more in the long run. As far as using this type of ramp goes, we will leave it up to you to voice your opinion on what you think of this DIY project.